
Why Women’s month?

“You strike a woman you strike a rock!” On that fateful day in 2016 when young Franziska Blöchliger decided to go for a run in Tokai Forest there was no ribbon corner.  She had no idea that she wouldn’t return home that day. This symbolic corner only emerged as a result of the horror felt by the Tokai Forest users about the crime against Franziska. Quite quickly …

Why Women’s month? Read More »

How Franziska Blöchliger inspired the creation of Thula Baba Project.

The horrific brutal murder of the young Franziska Blöchliger in Tokai Forest in March of 2016 started my pilgrimage against violent crime. It would be 2 years of research and soul searching before Thula Baba Project was registered in March 2018. A journey that started with a coffee meeting with Don Pinnock, the esteemed criminologist and the …

How Franziska Blöchliger inspired the creation of Thula Baba Project. Read More »