An opportunity to share some love!

Research shows that many more women have been affected by the pandemic than men. This is because women make up the majority of cleaning staff, many of whom have lost their jobs or are working fewer hours as a result of changes in their respective industries. The restaurant, building management and hotel industry, that previously required constant servicing, are now downsizing their staff. Many private residences have also experienced financial difficulties and have had to let go of their domestic workers.

The loss of jobs and income has resulted in an increase in destitute mothers in need of support. We recognise that there is still a need for antenatal classes in poorer communities but acknowledge that, in the present climate, we have to shift our focus to helping mothers directly impacted by the pandemic. For this reason, we have changed our model for the upcoming year to focus more attention on dressing babies. We will be providing ‘Dressing Babies’ packs to Groote Schuur, Mowbray Maternity Hospital and clinics in Gugulethu and Retreat. These packs are age-specific and include clothes for premature, newborn and up to one year of age.We aim to provide these hospitals and clinics with 300 Dressing Babies packs a month, a total of 4000 packs, in 2021. 

Our social media channels are open to local soup kitchens and other charities that let us know when they have identified desperate mothers with babies so that we can provide them with a ‘Community Care Pack’. This pack consists of a number of items, including toiletries and baby clothes.

With a monthly donation, you could help us dress babies in need! 

To donate, sponsor or contribute: 

Thula Baba Project NPO

Standard Bank

Branch Code 0051 001

A.C no. 10105793726

If you would like more information on the many ways you can support us, please contact Wendy at